Friday, March 26, 2010

Buddy, Your Days Are Numbered

Buddy went for a swim in the cats' water bowl yesterday. I had hopes that the aquatic escapades might have silenced Buddy. It didn't. If Sophie didn't love it (him? her?) SO much, Buddy would be going to the stuffed robot dog pound.

That other sound you hear is the grinding of my teeth as I lose the last shreds of my sanity.


  1. Don't you just LOVE those toys that contan betteries and make noise? Continually. Don't you wish you were the Unabomber and you knew where the toy's designer lived?

  2. yip! yip! yip! yip! yip! yip! yip! yip! yip!

    No, I don't see how that could be annoying. At. All.

  3. oh my...see you are a good mommy...'cause if it was me, buddy would have drowned in that bowl, or at least the batteries would've!

  4. LOl! We have had MANY of those toys through the years :)

    One Actually WOULDN"T turn off. After a barage of things we did to it including leaving it in the freezer and taking a hammer to it! Ack!

    Summer's passion has always been those singing/wiggling animals depending on the season. You know...santa or a valentine bear or easter bunny that sings a souped up rendition of Elvis or something. My one friend is always buying them for her, and the other kids are like pulling their hair out.

    What's really fun is when she sets them all off at once :)

  5. If Buddy were in my house, Buddy would get sick and lose his voice... permanently.

    God bless you for lasting this long.

  6. The best is when the batteries start to wear out on an annoying and loud toy and then (inexplicably, in my opinion) the low batteries cause the toy to either wheeze or refuse to turn off/silence.

    Hang in there. No one would judge you if Buddy were to take a trip or something, return to the wild where the rest of the poodles hang out!

  7. sorry i could not even bring myself to watch and listen.. i know the toys and have thrown some away.. saying they broke or they have been forgotten

  8. Awww, I love the video. I think that particular walking/yipping dog has been around since I trolled past KayBee Toy Store at the mall in the 90's. Cara, Is that your voice? So cool to hear because I somehow expected something else. I think all the blogs I read sound a lot like ME narrating in my head. Is that weird?

  9. Buddy wanted some of that bacon! If he lived at our house, we'd have to invest in some "training" classes wherein we taught Buddy commands like "No Yip." I'm going to hear that bark in my sleep, I think!

  10. TOO FUNNY! Thanks for giving me a smile.

  11. Shelley-Buddy was a gift from her grandparents. They obviously are getting me back for my teenage years.

  12. Ohmygosh you need a medal! I find it so amusing that Sophie seems pretty oblivious to the constant yipping.

  13. That's too funny. I, too, love how Sophie seems absolutely unfazed by the incessant yipping. She's awesome.

  14. I Finally got in! lol!!! IS Buddy one of those little yippers that does back flips? Who designs these wonderful little toys? lol. (not a mom)

  15. Buddy needs a muzzle.

    You are so much more patient then I am. Buddy would have gotten "lost" very quickly.

  16. I recently pitched this Sesame street saxophone thing that played really obnoxious jazzy tunes interrupted by Cookie Monster saying "Play it Again!" The batteries were the kind you can't figure out how to replace and it was dying, obnoxious and loud. I STILL felt a little pang when I remembered N. grooving along to the music and pretending to play it.

  17. You said it before I could... No more batteries for you.
    At this rate, buddy's batteries should be dead within the week.

  18. I most certainly can have a Blog Trotting post ready! Do you have any guidelines?

  19. Oh Buddy.... I can see why your days are numbered.
    (will say that my sick toddler is awake right now and said " I love that funny dog. Play it again." Good times.)

  20. I love Lou's comments! Why do children's toys with sound have to be so annoying -- and so loud?


Give me some sugar, baby!