Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Holiday Card Reject

Neil told me this was too esoteric (I'm editorializing here, his exact comment was something along the lines of "why's it out of focus?") so it has been abandoned for a less artsy image. I love the new one, but I love this one too and I just couldn't let it languish in my discard pile without sharing it.


  1. Like you, I always give my husband Christmas photo "veto power." And he never picks the artsy shot either. =>

  2. Men. They just don't get it.

  3. Works for me. I'm not that creative,I just use store bought ones.What little amount that I send now a days.

  4. WHAT?! I LOVE this card! And I love the new pic of the Bean...she is so stinkin' cute!

  5. You so impress me with your Photo Shopping -- like writing Happy Holidays on the ornament. I'd have no idea. Of course, I don't have Photoshop, but still.

    My husband's comments would be exactly the same about the focus.

    You know that your ads are about photo cards right now, don't ya? Tee hee.

  6. I think this one is way cool.


    You can't clearly see Bean, and that just seems wrong somehow. That cuteness should be front and center! ;)

  7. I think this is good. I can't wait to see the real one. :)

  8. Great picture! Happy holidays to you, too.

  9. I love it! We should get our husbands together. They can be friends and do very straightforward things together.

  10. This IS very cool looking! Maybe you could do a mini collage and use it in there! :o) I think this shot is WAY interesting.

  11. See, this is the kinda fun artsy shit I can't pull off with photography. But, I could write "Happy Holidays" on the stinkin' ball. At least I can do that much. Anyway, me likey.

  12. I came THIS close to using a blurry shot too! With some corny caption about how it all goes by in a blur and to enjoy every moment. But I kept hearing my grandpa saying "Why would you use a shot that makes everyone think they don't have their reading glasses on?"
    So for the record, I love love love that picture up there.

  13. I love should have final say at the official photographer, orderer, addresser, and mailer!

  14. See, this is what blogs/facebook are for -- getting to share ALL the joy. Great shot.

  15. Your husband sounds like my husband. If it isn't perfectly centered and absolutely clear, it's is NOT a good picture. Grrr.

    Love your idea. :)

  16. Boys just don't understand! I think it is cool because it is different.

  17. I love this one too. It's unique and radiates warm holiday sentiments...but I'm sure the other one is fantastic too.

  18. Neil is no fun. I think it's PERFECT!

  19. Men are boring. I LOVE it. Make it a header picture or something...

  20. Love this photo! But to his point... people want to see that babe's face!

  21. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this card!!!! I'm sure your other one is just as awesome, but this one is totally, totally cool.


Give me some sugar, baby!