Thursday, October 1, 2009


"I haven't been feeling so great the last couple of days. I've really been making mommy's life hell. Getting up in the wee hours. Being cranky and clingy. Fighting whenever she tried to give me medicine.

Now, just as I'm feeling better, she's starting to feel sick. My evil plan is coming together. Mwa ha ha ha ha."

PS - I've been nominated for a Mobbie! You can vote once a day for one blog in each category (I'm nominated as a Family Blog) as well as for Best Overall Blog so please vote as often as you can.


  1. She can't possibly be that evil .... can she?

    Please be better.

  2. Your right, its all part of their evil plan.

    But is hard to see her as evil b/c she is just so darn cute.

  3. Yeah, but she looks like you. Soooo...

  4. Ohmygoodness. You have the most adorable child ever! She's already got me under her spell.

  5. just Wait it gets better!!!LOL

  6. Such a good momma!! Hey thanks for the votes! Ya know, I think we know have a friend in common...Bridgette R..from Perry Hall. Congrats too on being top of your parenting game at Mobbies...we'll be casting our votes for you as well!! Good luck, and give her lotsa love!

  7. It's the cuteness that saves their lives, on a daily basis.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    I left you a little something on my blog today, when you're up to it.

  8. Oh my goodness. Her smile is too adorable to have any sinister attachments. I hope she feels better soon!

  9. She's way too cute to be naughty! Don't you hate it when people say that?

    Hope mommy feels better really soon!

  10. Cranky girl? Puh lease. YOU, I can believe. But that face? NEVER.

  11. That is the perfect picture for this.

    That face says it all!

  12. Ughhhh, hope you're feeling better soon. You're still #1 in the Mobbies! That should make you a tad more happier this evening. :)

  13. Ugh...been sick around here as fun:( Glad you're feeling better:)


Give me some sugar, baby!