Monday, April 13, 2009

Anyone with a penis should stop reading now...

When I was a teenager, I had terrible periods. Flo's visits were long (7-9 days) and fraught with horrible cramps, nausea, migraines, exhaustion and, ahem, heavy flo. You know the old joke, how can you trust something that bleeds for a week and doesn't die? Yeah, that's me. There is just no way I wasn't anemic after that.

I went on the pill at 16, largely to help control these horrible monthly experiences. And it worked. All I can say is thank goodness for Gregory Pincus. With just one wee little pill a day, Flo's visits were shortened (3 days) and, frankly, a real breeze. No more pain. No more pads and tampons. (Yeah, it was that bad.) And it did good things for my skin.

I was on the pill for the better part of 17 years. Obviously, I stopped taking it when we decided to have a baby, but then I didn't have periods during that time, so it was no biggie. After Sophie was born, I began taking a mini pill. I didn't have my first period until Sophie was 8 months old (breastfeeding ROCKS!) and even after that it was another 3-4 months before things really got back to normal. Unfortunately, the mini pill didn't work for me, so I stopped taking it when Sophie was about a year old.

Now, we're 18 months post-partum and my body has finally gotten back into the swing of things. Unfortunately, despite the fact that no other part of my body in any way reflects my teenage self (sigh), old Flo has reverted to her teenage ways. I can't go back on the full pill until I am completely done with breastfeeding, which will be in the next few months, until then I have to live with the pain, mood swings (poor Neil) and cravings (I came home from the grocery store yesterday with a dozen donuts, cake mix, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and a Hershey Bar - so much for the diet). Not loving it.

It's almost enough to make me want to get pregnant again. Almost.


  1. oo so sorry about that I can't say I feel yor pain because I never had the cramping everyone whould talk about. hope it gets better

  2. I love the title of your post. I think we should title our post like this much more often:)

    I am surprised that is has come back with such a vengence? My daughter has been on birth control meds since she was 14 due to terrrible periods (3wks on, 1wk with get the picture) (completely going off track here it makes my husband CRAZY!!! that I call it birth control pills, because there is NO birth control involved thankyouverymuch! Her being so young and not sexually active...but that is what they are called! and so I will casually mention "oh...I have to go pick up T's birthcontrolmedicine at Walgreens, and the poor man literally cringes and grows a gray hair in front of me, and hisses "DON"T CALL IT THAT!")
    Okay..back on track. Her GYN told me that she would OUTGROW alot of this and by the time she was say (your age) she would not have trouble like that anymore! HA! So that is a joke huh!

    I am so sorry!! For everyone involved:( That SUCKS!

    Sophie might like a sibling??

  3. Funny - I actually tweeted about wanted to be pregnant again because living without Aunt Flo was worth it. She reappeared when my son was about 8 months old I think but it was good while it lasted! Now I have to lose weight because Auntie hangs around longer when I am larger.

    And I completely understand going on the pill at 16, I did too for the same reason. One day I "took a nap" afterschool and did not wake up until the next day. It was straight to the doctor - who sent me to the gyno. And I was put on the pill - they gave me a shot first to stop it.

    Aunt Flo visited every two weeks!

  4. So sorry!
    I remember being doubled over at a party when I was 13 with cramps that I now know were comparable to labor. That was when flo was visiting me every other week. I was lucky enough that it worked it's way out, because I've never been able to handle the pill. I do still have a heavy flo that started back 2 months after giving birth, despite exclusive breastfeeding – Yuck, but nothing like you are describing, since I was young.
    Hang in there.

  5. Ooof :( I can't take the pill, because I can't ever remember to take it at the same time each day. I had some menstrual-esque cramps yesterday and was like "omfg it's only been 2 months"... fortunately, no flo yet, so perhaps it was a fluke!

  6. I had it easy in high school... I know there were some days when I had heavy flow and cramps... but for the most part, it wasn't too bad.

    Now... totally different story. I have the worst bloating, cramps, backaches... and heaviest flow ever! It sucks! :(

  7. My body is still so out of whack from having triplets and at almost 2 years later I have not had a real period. I am not complaining but my doctor thinks that I need to start. I say, why? Its not like I am going to be having any more kids.

  8. EEeee, that's no good! Ya, maybe it's time for another babe...=)

  9. I was afraid and pretty much unable to swallow pills when I was young UNTIL I got my period. I figured out how to swallow the Midol pretty quick. I am still period-free post Little Bit and loving it, which leads me to . . .

    "It's almost enough to make me want to get pregnant again. Almost."

    You said it.

  10. I hate aunt flo... I'm done with her now so she can just leave.... as long as she doesn't leave the hot flashes.

  11. Ugh. I am so sorry to hear. My periods were very similar while I was a teenager. I hope things get better for you soon. *hugs*

  12. Ugh, I feel for you. I am impressed you had a three-day period. Amazed, actually. I went almost a year of breastfeeding before my auntie showed up.

    And the cravings, oy. I can never lose weight during my cycle. NEVER.

  13. I have an IUD which people either love or hate. I bled for like three months straight at first, but only spotted on rare occasion after that. Hated it at first, but I kind of dig it now.

  14. Oh yuck--I'm sorry you're dealing w/ that! I vote for get pg again!!

  15. aaaah...went through this with each of my babies as well. My favorite part was when the mini-pill made me break out like I was 15 again. That was fun....

    At least you know it will all be better soon enough :)

    Hope you have a fabulous week!

  16. I could've written that! Except the part about ALMOST wanting to be pregnant. ;)

  17. too late....i'm scarred for life!

  18. Yeah, Flo's a bitch here too. I'm soooo curious though about the whole NO Flo visits for EIGHT months? I need me some! But I'll just keep praying for early menopause. lol

  19. when I was a teen I had the same problem. It was soooo horrible. But as I got older it got much better, no pill needed. I can only say, I know EXACTLY what it's like

  20. Sigh...

    Aunt Flo. She and I are NOT friends, nor will be. I'm in the early stages of begging my gyno to remove my uterus. I don't need it. I'm not using it. Therefore, I would like her to take it. Please. (Thank God she's considering my request--and that she's a good friend.)

    So sorry for your issues. She's a testy Aunt, that one.


Give me some sugar, baby!