Friday, April 10, 2009


Add to the long, long list of things I thought/said I would never do as a parent: Doing ANYTHING to get my kid to eat.

That would be Sophie. Eating an Eggo. In her Ikea tent. In front of the TV.

Does it make it better that the waffle is whole wheat?


  1. Hey, whatever works! My kids ate in boxes, tents, in once, in the car. (when we were at home). lol.

    My gosh, she is just so cute.

  2. I think it's awesome. And I'm totally going to IKEA tomorrow.

  3. hah! imo, as long as she's eating, you're doing just fine :]

  4. lol as long as she is not screaming and she happy and eating who cares!!LOL

  5. Sometimes ya just gotta do whatever works ... our gal eats lunch in the car (sitting in the garage) sometimes. With the DVD player on.

    Usually those are her best lunches!

  6. Hey you gotta do what you gotta do. I think that this is a FABULOUS idea!!!

  7. Well, wouldn't YOU prefer to eat in a tent while watching tv?

    Smart girl.

  8. Hey, nothing wrong with a little bribery.

    Whatever gets the job done!

  9. Are you kidding?? I think I'm going to go to IKEA right now!

  10. In a box. With a freakin fox.
    Whatever works!

    Your doing good Mama!

  11. Whatever works! Bub eats more meals in front of the television than I care to admit . . .

  12. Whoever said that no child will starve themselves doesn't have a picky eater.
    You gotta do what ya gotta do!

  13. Heck yea it counts! My daughter has eaten her dinner sitting in a box in the front room while we eat at the table. Whatever works, girl! Whatever works!

  14. Last week my kids put up umbrellas in the house and made a sort of canopy tent thing at the kitchen table and giggled with delight when I granted them permission to eat their lunches under their makeshift play house.

    So far it's been the only time my 3 yr old boy has said, "Mommy, you're the BEST!"

  15. Been there. Done it. Don't even feel guilty about it! And yes, whole wheat waffles totally count!

  16. I eat chips & salsa. In our guest bedroom. While watching Lost. With the volume turned way loud, so I can hear Sawyer over my crunching.

    Clearly I need an Ikea tent, too. Will Sophie share?

  17. OMG! This is hilarious. And given your challenges related to getting Sophie to eat I think this is perfectly acceptable. Eggos - yummy!

  18. I am wondering about this myself. Fly eats really well if/when his plate is on his own little table, which is in the family room ... which is where we happen to have the TV, whaddya know? And I think, he has to learn to eat at the table with us, but he just won't lately. Sigh.


Give me some sugar, baby!