Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Bean

Another year draws to a close. It was a year full of firsts for our little family, to be sure. Every single year I am amazed at just how fast the year has gone and this one is no different. I visited a friend of mine this afternoon who just had their second daughter. A mere 9 days old, I held that tiny life in my hands and marveled at how just a year ago, my rambunctious, talkative little girl was no bigger. It amazes me when I think about all the ways my daughter has changed in such a short time. She has gone from a baby to a kid. Meanwhile my hind end is exactly the same size. Which is to say, big. Sigh.

I've been debating with myself whether to commit to a resolution. It seems that no one ever follows through on their resolutions, though. So, since I can't even commit to one measly resolution, I'm going to commit myself to 101. A few months back, my home bloggy Jori began the 101 goals in 1001 days project. What I like about this idea is that it presents a reasonable time frame to accomplish long term goals but also allows for smaller goals to give me that sense of accomplishment. Mainly, though, I'm all about lists, but more importantly, I'm all about marking things off lists, so January 1, 2009 begins my voyage into 101 goals.

Goal #1 - Create a list of goals.

Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year & Good luck with your goals!!

  2. My #1 Goal: Stop being such an ass.

    So far, I am failing miserably.


  3. Haha! You gotta start somewhere! I can't tell you how many times I've started a list of things to do with "make a list" just so I can cross something off quickly...INSTANT gratification, baby!

    ...And I need to update my list; I actually AM working on some stuff right now...

  4. Ooooh I love that idea, Cara! Totally up my alley! Maybe I'll check into that! Happy, happy new year to your family. :)

  5. Great idea! I'm not much for resolutions either. I don't like setting myself up for failure. :)

    Happy New Year!

  6. I've got a blog project in store for 2009 as well. We can encourage each other!

  7. My resolution is the same each year: NO RESOLUTIONS! It's very hard to fail this way. :)

    Happy 2009!

  8. very interesting 101 in 1001. I have a hard time with resolutions too.

    And about kids. Boy they DO grow fast don't they? I am so marveled by watching a child grow. It is simply incredible how fast they advance and learn. Watching that 'lightbulb' go off in their head when they figure something out. Truly a miracle.

  9. Happy New Year! When you make that list, can you help me with mine?

  10. I really like this idea--I might do it too!


Give me some sugar, baby!