Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm a Winner!

It took me right up until my deadline, but I got my 101 list done. So that's one thing I can cross off. But I did another one while I was working on it. We're going skiing next weekend and my darling didn't have any shoes that were appropriate for snow play. Somehow I think the mary janes she wears most days wouldn't be appropriate. I have looked around and boots in her tiny size are few and far between. Or ridiculously expensive and I just can't justify spending $50 or $75 on a pair of shoes she will wear twice. So this seemed like an opportune time to give the old Ebay a try. My friend Heather buys stuff from there all the time and swears by it.

I quickly realized why I've been avoiding this whole Ebay thing: it's addictive. When I was bidding on several pairs of boots, I could feel the adrenaline as we counted down to the end. I lost the first pair and I'm not going to say I was devastated, but they were REALLY cute. Sigh. On to the second pair. The auction ended at 11pm PST, which is 2am for this east coaster, so I wasn't going to see the ending. I put in my high bid, a whopping $7, and went to bed with my fingers crossed.

When I woke up, I raced downstairs and flipped on the computer, fully expecting to have been outbid. Imagine my excitement then, when I saw the email telling me that I had won. Weee! This was Monday. I didn't do overnight shipping, so I was a little nervous that I wouldn't get them in time for our trip, but the mailman delivered them today! When I opened up the box and saw them, I was dee-lighted. They were just what I wanted and they will be perfect for her. They're a bit big, but that's room to grow.

Now, I just need to stay off of Ebay unless I NEED something, because I can see myself getting a little too in to this.


  1. THose are adorable!! She's going to be the cutest little snowbunny!

  2. I want a pair for me ... so cute :) And the Beans is going to look like a real snow bunny in them!

  3. I'm no good at the bidding thing -- too stressful for me, and I'd be crushed if I didn't win, so I always just do "Buy it Now" -- I got a little too into the vintage Fisher Price toys for a while, and have taken a break.
    N has boots that are very similar to those - I figured this was the year I could do more fashion than function, and I just LOVE them (so does she: she fetish, check!)

  4. Oh yes ebay is so addicting. But I love it that is how I buy most of the clothes for my kids, the ones that don't get hand-me-downs that it.
    And those boot are just so cute.

  5. Those boots are precious. I like the pom poms! Where are you going skiing? I have recently fallen in love with Ebay. I have "won" several Signing Time videos, an old record from my childhood that I loved, and replaced a watch I didn't want my husband to know I lost.

  6. Ebay is the DEVIL. Be careful. It IS addictive...

  7. Those boots are adorable. I love them. And I go to ebay only for things I REALLY want or desire. I go and bookmark stuff and don't bid until I am sure that I will be happy and not regretting my purchase after I win. I love it.

  8. Adorable boots and, again, this simple photo of boots looks like a piece of art with the new camera.

  9. I've been off ebay now for a few years. It was an expensive habit of mine for awhile...but I didn't think about buying baby stuff on ebay... hmmm...

  10. Um, I want these for myself! How adorable! I am an ebay addict. It's one of those things that you can't start unless you are fully ready to be taken over by it. HA!

  11. Oh those boots are SO cute!!! Isn't eBay fun? Yeah, it's just like Target and Costco to me... all these things I didn't know I needed but all of the sudden can't live without.

  12. Oh my -- welcome to my world! I LOVE eBay, and I'm quickly getting addicted to Craigslist (although it isn't too plentiful in my area with "good sales").

    Now baby steps -- but perhaps pretty soon, you can even move up to selling (yes, selling!) on eBay. It's my way of justifying new clothes for Carley - sell some old and buy more new!

  13. I have NO idea how to do e-bay....sounds like that might be a good thing for this addicted girl over here!

  14. Wonder if they make those boots in my size?

    And hey--TV Guide as an article about a very neat online auction going on right now. BSG stuff...authentic stuff, Cara. I['m talking Six's red dress (that iconic red dress!), one of Starbuck's flight suits, a Raptor helmet, Laura Roslin's podium...

    I'm telling you this, they put on the auction block a bottle of that green ambrosia they're always drinking, and it's MINE. All mine.

  15. Soooo cute. I just won an Anne of Green Gables DVD. :)

  16. Congrats! I am jealous of the ski trip and the boots!

  17. Those booties are SO ADORABLE, I want an adult-sized pair!

    Can't wait to hear about your trip :]

  18. Wow those are cute!! $7?? Congrats!

    Yes--Ebay is addictive--I've done some damage on there!

  19. LOL too funny we get sooo much stuff from ebay just oreder a pair of like walker wings to help liam with skiing... Love the boots they are too cute!!


Give me some sugar, baby!